Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tips for the upcoming FINALS WEEK!!!

Ok so it's the end of another semester and you find yourself, much like myself, morphing into a grouchy wore-out pile of craziness. To those who haven't experienced this yet or in awhile, it's somethin' real ugly. Anyway, here are a few tips to help keep what little sanity there is to keep during this dreadful week.

  •  JUST SAY NO!- People who aren't in school don't seem to quite understand how stressful finals can be. Say no or just offer to help them with whatever life threatening crisis they have until NEXT WEEK, when you aren't ready to rip someones head off.
  •  Keep snacks handy! Your going to be knee deep in paperwork and computer files, getting hungry in the middle of a paper can entirely throw off your train of thought. Runners are also helpful, I take full use of my daughter & boyfriend :)
  • RedBox Saves Lives- Grab a handful of these $1 beauties and type away while your kids watch movies. Now I'm not one to sit my child in front of the TV for 9 hours or anything close so i keep a timer on for about 3 hours(usually she will fall asleep before this time, which is even better)
  • Energy is a must. There are many different ways of keeping yours up: coffee, 5 Hour Energy, soda, apples, tea, and chocolate works for some people. SLEEP is the best way to revive yourself, even if you only get a few hours at a time- SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP!
  • Opt-out of all the extras. Whether it be a side business for extra cash, a once a week softball game, or date night with your beau, clear everything off of your calendar-just for this week. This will insure you are as focused as possible on your school work and nothing else.
  • Spread the Word-to your parents, children, spouse/sig. other, employer,friends, and any close relatives. This will be the best way to prevent anyone from getting their feelings hurt if you snap at them, because all of us turn into some monstrous form of ourselves when finals week is upon us.
  • Write when you can, wherever you can. Most of the phones these days have smart phone capabilities even if they can't connect to the internet. If an idea comes to you for a section of a paper you need to write, open your memo/ notebook app on your phone and jot it down.You can even save it as a text message if your phone doesn't contain something similar to this. Look at it when you sit down to your computer and *bam!* Entire paper written- ( or so we'd like to think)
I hope this helps! Good luck with those finals - you'll do great!

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